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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Yup Infotech takes safeguarding online privacy seriously. Please read the following to understand Yup Infotech’ privacy practices.

From time to time, Yup Infotech may need to change its privacy statement because of changes in its business or in its attempts to serve your needs better. We will use reasonable efforts to publish any changes to its privacy statement.

There are times when we may need to gather specific information from you such as your name and address or other personal information. Information that is essential for Yup Infotech to provide the services and/or products that are requested by you is generally designated as "Required." Additional information that would allow us the flexibility in providing our services or products, and may be used for internal statistical studies or market research, is generally indicated as "Optional."

The choice of how much personally identifiable information you disclose to Yup Infotech is completely at your discretion. It is never mandatory for you to answer any question, although it may limit the services and products that Yup Infotech is able to offer.